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내향형 (Introversion) - 자신과의 관계에서 에너지를 얻는 유형. - 조용하고 신중하며 적은 인간관계를 일반적으로 선호하고 말하기보단 쓰는것으로 에너지를 얻습니다!

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직관형 (iNtuition) - 미래에 대한 감정이나 감각을 더욱 중요하게 인지하는 타입. - 직관적이고 이상적입니다! 약간 뭉뚱그려 보는 성향이 있습니다!

판단기능 - 판단할때 어떤 방식을 통해 판단하는가.

사고형 (Thinking) - 자신의 룰을 쫓는 타입. - 논리중심적이며 명분을 중요시 여깁니다. 목표를 위해 사고합니다. 이성적이죠!

감정형 (Feeling) - 만족을 중심으로 쫓는 타입 - 공감적이며 사람의 최대다수의 최대행복을 바랍니다. 인간적이죠!

생활양식 - 삶의 패턴이 어떤지.

판단형 (Judging) - 결과가 중요한 유형. - 정리하기를 좋아하고 분류하고 계획하는것을 좋아하며 판단력이 좋아요.

인식형 (Perceiving) - 과정이 중요한 유형. - 편하고 즉흥적이고 융통성이 있으며 편한게 최고인 유형입니다.

그렇게 해서 나오는 유형들은 다음과 같습니다!

역시 링크를 걸어드렸으니까

여러분들의 유형을 찾아서 보시어요! :)

















#MBTI 성격유형



This is Lee Ro Woon's counseling radio life.
Why did I do that today?
I don't know if he's putting a lot of emphasis on success.
I'd like to tell you.

Almost every time in my video,
We talk a lot about small successes.
The reason is because I've had a little success.
Because I've changed my life a lot.

Actually, the important thing in life is...
"Little success."
The reason I felt it was because...
I started doing business when I was 20.
I was in my early 30s.
I've never had much success.

And then I started focusing on the little success.
Since then, I've been living my life a little bit better.
I think it started to change.
a book that I really enjoyed.

Titan's tools
the strongest life
And the power of a very small habit.

While reading these books,
What I really felt was...
I'm only looking for something too big.
Or I succeed in something.
in thinking
You have to achieve a very difficult goal.
You feel successful.

I came to the conclusion that...
So I've been focusing on a fairly small group of successes.
in those years
I've been working on things that I haven't done in three or four years.
It's only been three or four months since it started.
There are goals that we've achieved.

I was really surprised to see that.
So, I want you to achieve a big goal.
I hope you are really happy in the future.
I've achieved a really big goal, and I'm satisfied with it.
I thought we had to do that.
It wasn't that.

You're trying to achieve a big goal.
It's too much
I'm so nervous.
You get to work too hard.
The result of doing too much work is...
It stops before the results are made.
That's a lot more of a result.

If I were to set 100 goals,
up to ten out of one hundred
It's a difficult situation to achieve.
Of course, one out of ten works.
It's a good place. Facts
That's how I spent all my 20s.

by the way
I'd rather break down the goals and make it even more.
With small goals.
With short-term goals,
With goals that we can't help but achieve 100 percent,
After I filled my life,
With the power to achieve that small goal,
You're going to be able to a bigger goal.
You can try something bigger.
I saw a bigger world.

A little bit of success is like a brick.
Those hard bricks come together.
It's about making a nice house.

It's a long, big goal.
It's like a sand castle. 
You can build it.
can be sloppy "Daen
after one's construction and after one's achievement, 
I'm so tired.
easily collapsible
I've bee getting a lot of results.

Of course, what I'm saying may not be the answer.
But when I tried it,
When you make it one by one, like a brick,
one by one
I have no choice but to succeed.
Make goals that you can't help but achieve.
We're going to make it work.
And after that success, I'm going to myself,

I succeeded in this.
I succeeded in brushing my teeth.
I opened my eyes in the morning and succeeded in folding the blanket.
This is how you succeeded yourself.
From the start of his acceptance,
Life has changed a lot. 

I succeeded in his little thing.
in recognition of it
I think we can succeed in everything else today.
I had the will to do so.
In fact, through it,
I had more successful days that day.

After a day like that,
I've been living like this.
Even though it's not that long,
I'm so happy.
And we've achieved a lot of goals.
And what's really important is...
The power of living is different every day by day.

This goal is...
Before a life that achieves a small goal, my life and... 
It's not just the quality of my life right now.
The happiness of living is completely different.
I'm really happy with my mail right now.
I'm really living my life achieving something every day.
I'm living in that joy.

So I'm going to figure out exactly what my goals are.
I really don't know what my goal is.
I don't know what I'm dreaming of in my life.
I'm starting to see little by little.
Even if you don't see a way to achieve them right now,
before one's eyes 
I've got the power to do something first.
I think life is this simple.

in my opinion
I want you to achieve one small goal that I see in front of me right now. 
Those little goals are built up.
piled up and piled up
And then you have the power to achieve your next level.
With that power, you can achieve your next goal.
with the next goal.
I want to find my dream.
Build my future.
To live happily day by day at that moment

I think it's life.
I don't want you to know that much.
I'm talking about success with great effort.

So please. 
From today
Set a goal that will inevitably lead to small success.
Do it and succeed.
You'll see what I mean.

Have a good day today.

#Success #Nothing is as continuous as success


Hello, Lee Rowoon's counseling.

Radio life is true.

Today, I'm not talking about my concerns.

Today, I'm doing kitto-genic.

I'm going to talk about dieting.

I've been on a kitto-genic diet for quite a long time.

About six months, almost seven to eight months.

If I remember correctly,

In those seven to eight months, he lost almost 10 kilos.

In fact, in the first month, I lost six kilos or seven kilos.

At that time, I went on a completely clean kitto-genic diet.

After that, he's called Dirty Kitto.

I just didn't do much.


Eat some chicken when you want to.

I'll eat and stuff like this way

I think I just kept it.

I only kept it today.

Why do you want to talk about a kitto-genic diet?

Now that I'm uploading the video,

Actually, I ate too much carbohydrates last week.

I think the ketosis is a little broken.

So today is Monday.

Too weak, too weak, too weak, too weak.

I don't have a passion.

I think I'm a little tired

So the reason I left this video today is because

Actually, I just wanted to tell myself.

Starting today, I'm going to have to get it right again.

I decided to go on a kitto-genic diet.

Cheating or dirty kitto.

One or two times a week.

If possible, just one day.

One day a week, Sunday, like this.

I'm going to grab the date like this.

Monday through Saturday is really clean.

I'm trying to go on a kitto-genic diet.

I upload videos to eat.

If you don't mind, we'll make it today.

I'd like you to cheer for me.

people on a kitto-genic diet

You could have come in after looking for a title.

Please give me courage.

I'm on a kitto-genic diet.

I've gained a lot of physical health.

I'm always feeling so bloated inside.

His stomach's always swollen.

There's always some kind of inflammation in the gut.

I had a really hard time.

I've lost a lot of weight on my kitto-genic diet.

I feel so much better.

And I just had a medical checkup.

It's really a body fat, and it's an internal fat coefficient.

The cholesterol level is quite normal.

When you see it coming out low,

I realized that you and I really fit in with kitto

And then right away,

It's a lot more than last week.

There's a lot of gifts coming in.LOL

Waffles, chocolate.

There's a lot of food in here.

That's how they say it's so funny.

I suddenly wanted to eat this and that.

So I eat a lot at night.

I eat a lot during the day, but...

It's okay if you eat a lot of fat.

It's not that. It's too much carbohydrate.

I want to eat hamburgers, so I eat hamburgers a lot.

Eat a lot of sauce.

I think I ate it like that.

So you're out of Kitto in no time.

I was exhausted.

From today on, I'm going to try to be a little more focused.

Starting today, I'm on a kitto-genic diet.

I'm trying to go on a clean kitto-genic diet.

A similar video will be uploaded next Monday.

Next Monday, I'll be doing a week of kitto-genic.

Did you really do it well?

They're going to come up about how it was.

For those who are watching the video,

I want you to give me some courage.

Please. Thank you.



These two, you can put into practice.
Changed to life that overflows with your self-esteem.

이로운 true agony of the radio life.

​The theme of today.
Ways of increasing the fastest self-esteem.
About how to boost self-esteem.
There are a lot.
But the great gobs of so many ways.
I'm confusing you
And when they actually did was less effective.
I'm an awful lot of stories that put my money.

​I'm the most obvious.
How to boost self-esteem.
You're the fastest.
I'm about to give way to boost self-esteem.

Let me just try a couple in total. 
This you practice just two.
I'm supposed to be absolutely self esteem up.

So then the two from now on, I'll tell you.

The first method.
Feel a sense of success for yourself, please.
Or "yanadu" football and what you mean.
How to many successful people.
Went from very little to success.
To be aware of the brain.
There is no brain a little big for the classification.
That's why even a little success.
The brain changes as well as what a great success.

​People who are really fast in just a couple of days.
There are also the brain is a successful change to the brain you.
No matter how long you are go.
Most mask is more than 66 days.
Changed to the brain where it is the success of the brain.
That's why even a small success.
The success to themselves.
You have to learn how you tell me.

​Through the "tooth brushing" of the yanadu
To the recognition that the success of yourself.
Whether success as a way to boost self-esteem.
A successful three times a day.

​I'm a little more success than that.
Recommend you to tell yourself.
Ten times a day.
Will you tell that to "success" themselves.
Eating succeeded radeunji. 
Succeeded in the morning radeunji.
Or succeeded to make the bed..
What a very small, to recognize as "success.".
His brain to tell you.
You can and give heart to tell.
It's important you tell me yourself.

It is the fastest to be done to yourself.
From success. just a tiny one.
Will you tell.
It succeeded in listening to this YouTube.
Will you tell. Lol
From today only ten to myself :
Please tell that to success.

The second riseomnim tv on my way.
Lower your self-esteem.
Our relationships with everyone be done.
Lower your self-esteem.
Everyone off.

Gingaminga all done all the people.
Get everyone to lower the self-esteem of you.
That's the family doesn't matter if it.
You can come out at home.
Lower your self-esteem.
All the people out.
Just give up like that has immediate effect.

Yeah Okay, all to be lonely.
Deprive any relationship.
It's all right, boys won't let you go outside.
It is maintaining relationships with people like that anyway.
Absolutely not the damage.
Even in order to improve your self-esteem.
Your lower just a little bit of the opinion of themselves.
human relationship
a lady friend
It's all done without going to do.
Family also be done
If you need one be done.
Be done if you alone.
In doing so your life has changed.

It is not simply be to change your life.
he two even if the ice is you must stick to it.
​The first want to recognize and from small.
lease, tell him it succeeded.

The second your very small, in your social circle.
Your self-esteem of damage a ramen noodles.
Be done unconditionally. 

How to boost self-esteem.

These two, you can put into practice.
Changed to life that overflows with your self-esteem.
Iroun of agony radio the true life.

Thank you for taking.




In this difficult world

In this not easy world

Until now, until today

The fact that you are alive is so great

I'm a 이로운's distress consultation radio.

Today I'm going to talk about praise

I really like praising people.

I can see the advantages people have

Without jealousy about it

I really like the advantages

I really enjoy complimenting

Many people really

There are so many strengths that you have

I don't think I can see it as it is.

So I can see it as it is

I tend to praise them a lot.

So I praise people's strengths a lot

In fact, as many people are

I don't think I can accept it

Take the compliments as they really are,

Say thank you

About 20% of people who can comfortably accept it?

People who are emotionally stable

I think it's about 20%

Other than 80%, just accept it as it is

I think it's quite difficult

50% in the meantime? The

It's very awkward

In the meantime, those who have a little doubt

Why does this person praise me?

What are you trying to tear me off? Called

Some of you have some doubts

I really compliment those who are too thirsty

In the same case, take it too

There are some people who feel a little pressure on me

Most cases that are not

"No" "No"

Praising yourself like this

I think it's very awkward

That's a little bit bitter.


Everyone is commendable.

It ’s worth a lot of praise

You've been living your life really hard, right?

All of you who are listening to the radio right now

You've been living really hard, right?

But the words that you acknowledge

Refusing to do this

I think it's wrong.

I think

Actually, this is not your problem

I think culture has a problem

At least i know

In this Asian culture,

I tend to pursue humility like this

I tend to focus on my own shortcomings.

So when you get praise for what you have


But this is not a problem

It seems to be a cultural issue

Rather, point out the disadvantages

This is really

It's because I'm really worried

Or whatever you do to make fun of it or make it aggressive

If you talk about your shortcomings

I took it too sensitively

Because of it

Some people fall into feelings of depression or depression.

Or completely reverse

Some people go aggressive

Actually, I don't think this is normal.

Because everyone is

You have to be able to accept praise as it is.

Any advice you disagree with,

Or you have to know how to defend against attacks.

I think and think that is the healthiest

I think this culture is going the opposite way

I think this is a problem

I think that excessive humility is self-abuse

I think this is a problem

I truly admit that I have what I have

To accept what they have

I'm thinking

So this world

Everyone just a little bit more

I wish I could live in recognition of myself

A little more self-aware

"I can accept this compliment"

"You can do that"

I want you to be a little bit arrogant

Rather, arrogance seems to be modest.

When I saw it.

And those of you who are listening to this radio

Those who are worth it.

You are the ones who deserve praise.

So, you ’re getting enough praise

Loved enough

I want to live with enough recognition.

Because you lived hard enough to receive it.

You've been living so hard until you get here.

You guys are great

In this difficult world, in this difficult world

Until now, until today

The fact that you are alive is so great

So today

While complimenting yourself a little more

Or by complimenting others

When I get praise from there,

I hope it's a day of acceptance

So far, life has been true



이로운's Distress Consultation Radio

It's life

Today's topic is about being loved

I'm going to tell you

Maybe you guys feel it

Not loved enough

That you are not lovely

He must have been here because he felt it.

And the beginning is probably

It could have been a relationship with a parent

There is a high possibility of relationship with friends and lovers

And not once or twice

In a very long time

Because the situation that I cannot receive such love continues

Even if you blame others

At some point, my self

Is there a problem

It is likely that you have reached the conclusion.

I think about myself like that

I really have a problem

I'm not loved

I can't be loved as it is

I'm not lovely

You have a false belief in the form

Because in your life

You love as much as you want

Never received

Because I never received it like that

You guys

"I'm sure it's not lovely"

To have

"You are not lovely"

Because faith will arise.

The really scary thing

It's learned so

People who love me as they are

What is in between

Is that it becomes too uncomfortable

Among people

You really love me

You care for me as you are

People who say that I'm okay

You're so good, even if I tell you this

You can't take it as it is.

Maybe I'm doing this to cheat me

Maybe I'm doing this to get my money off

Or i have something wrong

Why does he love me?

Why do you like me?

Continue like this

That you will deny yourself.

If you learn like this

It's time to meet someone who is really good in life

When I meet someone I love

It's time to meet someone who likes me the way I am.

Or whatever, there is a problem

Only people I like will chase

I don't like people who like me very much.

Because I don't like me very much

That others like me

I cannot accept it.

That is why

I only find people I like

People I like

Not a person who loves me

To someone who won't love me

It means that it will bloom.

If you keep repeating like that,

In the end I'm always lonely

Or I'm only after someone I like

Those people do it to me again

In the information, "You cannot be loved"

I keep wandering

That I cannot be loved

I am convinced

If my faith gets worse and I do that,

I feel really bad myself

Eventually, you will fall into a very strong depression.

So how do you get loved?

The best way is awkward

It's among those who look good on me.

It's not easy

Because it's really awkward

In general, people are treated

When you do something

After 66 days

That becomes my habit

That's why someone doesn't love me

If I had been there for more than 66 days

Or if you've been growing up like that since childhood

We love as it is

Loving us

It's so awkward and uncomfortable to be among people.

So, as you are,

Being among loved ones

It would be very uncomfortable and difficult


After 66 days

The situation in which you are loved

That it will not be uncomfortable.

That's why it's awkward

I feel strange

People who look good on me

People who love me

Among those who value me

Stay in the meantime until you get over 66

When it comes to choosing a group,

We should also see if they are moral.

It's among people who criticize others a lot

I don't want to recommend that

But in a way that others don't blame

As you are

You guys are good people

It's a very valuable person

Among those who speak

If you can stay over 66 days

You start learning again.

So you guys

Whether you love yourself

Seeing yourself as good

It's not awkward and it starts to lose.

Even after 66 days

Sometimes this doesn't happen right away

In that case, anyway

Until "I feel really good myself"

It's good to be among those people

If it's hard

At least not loving me

Leave among people

It doesn't matter how much I care.

Even if it's my family

It doesn't matter. Because you feel

As you are

People who don't love


You have to leave from people who tell you you can't be loved.

No matter how good you are,

No matter how monetary support you

Be a giver

Whether it's family or friends

No matter who

That you are love

In a situation where you cannot receive information

I can never change you

There is a limit to loving yourself.

In the end, people are animals of the environment,

Living in the environment

Because we live in the environment

It ’s also a very good way to change the environment.

It will be difficult when you are a minor,

If you are an adult

To be bold and independent

Boldly starting a new start

It's a very good way.

Of course it is very scary.

I am very afraid.

I'm out of the safe boundry

It's not easy.

But I still have to

Only by doing so

A new life will begin.

And the third

It's probably the most listened advice.

Love yourself a lot

You do n’t have to love really hard

Just ten times a day

Find a reason to love yourself.

No matter how small it is,

Find 10 reasons to be loved

It is recommended to do it every day if possible

If it doesn't work then once a day

Find a reason to be loved

May be small

When a child crawls

If you do n’t get enough praise

Children will never get up.

From very small like that

When I start to love

And if you keep increasing it gradually

You will realize how lovely you are.

Love small things first

That little thing is not really small.


As you are

Someone deserving of love

But living in the world

Too many that you can't be loved

Excuses. "

Whether it is true or not

Regardless of

That you cannot be loved

You hear too much information.

But no matter how many reasons

About yourself

You may find too many reasons

Despite many reasons

You really deserve to be loved.


You have no reason

It's lovely enough

And starting today, that means

Remain in your head

I will continue to hover

At some point you will understand

How long are you

Whether they are lovely enough

You will know

until now

I was in the middle of Lee's troubled counseling radio.



Hello, I'm 이로운's concern counseling radio.

Today's topic is

How to avoid being hurt

I'm going to tell you about

In fact, looking at this repertoire is usually this.

Others say things that hurt me first

This hurts our words.

How do you rate me

Pointing out who I am and who I am

You can blame me like this

Healing or teasing

It's going to come in like this

If this is an open-disjit, it would be a fight.

If you playfully disguise

I might laugh here

It's a bad mood to laugh

If you think about it at home

It really hurts me.

It ’s going to go that way,

I have a lot of sadness or my heart hurts

These feelings are finally in our heads

What information do you provide us?

We lack

And we have a problem ourselves

There are cases where you get to this point.

You can either deny it or hate your dog too much

Or even a situation where you hate yourself

It often goes on

In fact, this is very common.

It's not uncommon. It's really common

It's the hard part that many people are going through.

So how do you overcome this

What's the way you don't get hurt anymore?

I will tell you 4 ways.

first. First, you have to draw a good boundary.

What is Boundary? It's a borderline.

Come to yourself and others

Is that you need a linguistic boundary.

In fact, we draw really well on compliments.

You are so handsome

You look attractive or you have a lot

You become capable

I think you are really good

These are not words, no, no, no

While most compliments are awkward

Keep this distance.

I draw a boundary like this and I don't accept the praise.

In my heart. By the way

Conversely, rants and swear words are stuck in the heart.

You are ugly, you are ugly

I don't think you're good at this

These words are easily blocked.

Because that's our culture

Make me learn that

Our country was humble and learned.

Be humble and listen to others ’advice

It is a terminal taught to overcome one's shortcomings.

It's not a problem in Korea

Asian culture

To pursue this kind of humility

I think I tend to

From a Western culture or something

Well, I will not designate a specific country

If you go somewhere like Western culture

To lower yourself too much

I think it's a sin as bad as suicide.

Asian culture is poisonous

Lowering me a little bit

What humility is mistaken for something

This is really wrong.

So even if you ’re a little arrogant, you have to stop it.

Even now, others do

Take some more compliments

I'm such a worthy person

What other people are doing to me, teasing,

Mischievous profanity

Words that detract from my self-esteem

My actual presence, but these things

I need to listen a little.

The reason is because of the second reason.

The second they do

Fixes and intellectual enemies

Is within "their thoughts"

In the limits of their thoughts

Is to point out who you are.

That person's evaluation

It's not a 100% complete assessment.

Their advice

It would not be the perfect advice in your life.

That advice comes in their lives.

In the lives of subscribers who are listening,

Sometimes you don't really need that advice.

Sometimes the advice is not perfect.

So, now my advice

It may not be the perfect advice in your life

That ’s why we need to give advice

You have to learn how to tell what advice you shouldn't listen to.

First of all, the advice you give

Advice or not

You have to know how to distinguish


In fact, the advice or hurtful words themselves

Without your consent

What you do to yourself is wrong.


God doesn't judge until you die.

But with what authority

You're going to judge you?

What authority do you judge?

And the most important thing

People don't change just by being pointed out.

No matter how high self-esteem,

As for the intellectuals coming into the actual attack

People don't change.

Just not feeling bad.

And it's normal to feel bad.

That's why the other party asks you

The act of giving advice or hurting words

You must know how to refuse

It's good to say "I don't want to hear"

"Even playfully

Because you don't like to tease me

I hope not. "

You should know how to speak a little cool.

Even if it's hard, you have to learn

And even if you don't have all three in front.

Do this one. The most important thing

"Stop blaming yourself"

I'm telling you to stop me.

The disses that others do, or

Playfully teasing me

Blame me

Give me some advice

Things that are trying to fix my behavior too much

The most important reason to get hurt about these things

Actually, I think so.

You're looking at my values ​​so low.

I ’m already feeling that I ’m lacking.

Because I lack myself

I can't get what I want

Or I can't get the love I want

If you already define yourself like that

Among the other people say to me

Aggressive words

Teasing or teasing that we talked about earlier

All of these are daggered.

The most fundamental reason for being nailed by the dagger

Actually, it means I keep attacking me.

Because I already feel that I am lacking

What they say is a lot.

If I look high on me

If I really value me

When I heard such ridiculous points

"What is it?" Like this

"I guess that's why I think"

You can go over.

I like my life, I've been living so hard

I like me

I like the things i have

"I don't feel the need to get the dog's point of view"



However, if those words fit into my ears

I'm actually because I lack

I'm looking for my lack of reason

I see the reasons

With those points

So it hurts more

So the most important thing

No matter how self-sufficient you feel

You are actually a good person

You have to realize that you're a good person.

Please stop blaming yourself

Please feel that you are not lacking yourself

He is a really nice person.

Please acknowledge and understand

You'll want to deny it's not going on.

But nevertheless

I don't need to suffer from such hardships

I'm a good person.

He is a person deserving of love.

Please keep saying this.

I am a loveable person

I'm not going to blame myself anymore

Please declare

In your life so far

I had no choice but to live like this

Perhaps you're used to blaming yourself

Blaming yourself like that

You may be mistaken for granted,

It is not.

You are a good person

Even in such a life

He's been a good person so far.

I did my best to live

In the eyes of others,

In the minds of others

It's a decent person who doesn't need to be evaluated.

Now, please stop criticizing yourself.

And you have been working really hard

Praise me a lot

Please think again that it is worth yourself


Stop blaming yourself.

I gave you 4 kinds of advice.

It will help

I think

If you try, you will be really happy.

And you will be very healthy yourself.

#Sadness #pain #self-esteem #Hownottogethurt

If you have a story, please leave it in the comments. The more detailed, the better. If you explain the situation carefully, we will read it carefully to find the answer.

Thank you for coming to the real life of Psychological Distress Counseling Radio. :)


This is a conversation about 이로운's concern.

Today's content is "You couldn't help it."

In the title,

Some of you may have heard

We are in our lives

We live a lot of regrets about our past

I live a lot

When we have a relationship failure, or when we meet a strange relationship

When you have had too much trouble or when you have failed in business

Failure in interpersonal relationships

When I make a choice, it does a lot of damage to me,

There are things like this

If you go through

People continue to live in their past

I hate us very much back then

You can hate me as a teenager

You can hate me in my 20s

You might hate me in my 30s


We have us in the past

Because you are very likely to hate it

You're probably here.

"But it's okay"

Over time, we have a lot of wrong ideas

If something goes wrong, I shouldn't have done that then.

Ah I should have done this, but I should have done like that

In this way, we keep thinking about it

Even then, he resents me

Then it comes out aggressively to me.


The thoughts we had at that time

What we had at the time

I couldn't help it with my heart

At that time, you probably wanted to believe.

I would have wanted to believe the man

You would have wanted to trust her.

Because human beings are animals

I have no choice but to do as my heart goes.

Conversely, I feel that this is not my heart

If you follow what the person says,

I was lacking the information I had.

When I lacked the information I had, I had no choice but to make that choice.

You have the information and thoughts you had at that time

It was an inevitable choice from the heart.

No matter how much you try to deny it

I shouldn't have done that then.

I'm asking you to do that now.

Actually, at that time,

I made the best choice I could make at that time.

Information you had at the time

The thoughts you had at the time, the minds you had at the time,

When it comes to emotion, the choice

It was the best choice.

That's why

You have to understand that I couldn't help it

Because actually at that time

"You had to do that."

It was the only way.

Because of that, I had no choice but to do so.

Every human being in his life

At that moment, live and do your best

The most you can choose at that moment

Choose what you think is a good option

Make the best choice

All humans are like that.

Resent yourself at that time, stop now

Admit that I couldn't help myself at that time,

Take it,

"I couldn't help it then"

"Sorry" to me, "I'm sorry to blame"

In this way, "Hold me"

Don't leave me back then

Then stop hating me

You can hate it now

That person couldn't help it

I said that I couldn't help myself

Now you understand.

You understand that I couldn't help it before.

So please understand yourself

Please hug me. You have to do that now.

Because at that time, I also did my best

Watch YouTube now

Those who listen to the subscribers

The visitor also did his best to live

You are here.

That's why

Please understand that I can't help it

Please accept. Hug yourself.

Thank you, thank you, thank you,

That's when you did your best, and you

I couldn't help it, so please understand yourself.

Please accept yourself like that.

Please hug yourself like that.


I had at that time





Please read it a little bit

So read yourself

After loving enough

Now forward

Just try to make a better choice.

As I said before, when a person makes a choice

A total of three things are important

First "information"

The second "think"

Third "Emotion"

Humans are animals for their emotions

It's an animal that you are supposed to live as you feel.

That's why you need to understand what you're feeling

And you need to know how to look at your feelings like a third party.

You can practice it from now on.

This will also fail. It's okay

You can try again next time and fail again.

When I do that, I can see my feelings from a third party

Second "think"

What is the flow of thought I have

You have to do this again from a third party's point of view.

Then, "Oh my thoughts flow like this"

You can see objectively

This will also fail.

It's okay. If you keep failing like that, you will do it. At some point,

And the last third "information"

Are you listening to information from me now on YouTube?

You can also watch more YouTube videos like this.

There are so many good YouTubers.

Watch good videos from these people and get good information

You can get more information by watching my YouTube

If you increase the information like that, there is a lot of information

It's good information today.

I have to look at me objectively

Understand me from the past

I love you

Did you learn to forgive?

Like this, the more information I have, the more

I think there are more and more categories

When it becomes so wide, no matter how the emotions I have

I'm more likely to make a better choice here.

By accepting information like this

Try to apply it in your life. "You can fail"

"You can try and fail."

It's okay, you tried.

The attempt itself is a success.

Same at the time.

The information I had at that time wasn't enough.

That's why I keep trying and trying and trying in my life

I keep getting information again and again.

That's how information grows.

With that wide information, you will eventually succeed.

You're going to make the best and best choice of life.

That's what you have to do today.

I think

I'll clean up

Forgive yourself first

Understand yourself

Please accept that I couldn't help it

After accepting yourself like that,

I couldn't help myself

After understanding enough, today

Please teach me this information you learned

That I heard this today is enough on my own

I taught myself.

From now on, practice this

Please understand that nothing can happen at once

With the information you have now

I can't do what I said perfectly.

That's why you should try

You will fail. It's okay.

Then you too

You who failed

The information you had at that time

Please accept that it was unavoidable with thoughts and feelings

You can try again.

You can live like that.

So you guys are more clearly than yesterday

Clearly than in the past

It's really better to get away from regret

You will live a happier life.

#Regret #you too # can't help

If you have a story, please leave it in the comments. The more detailed, the better. If you explain the situation carefully, we will read it carefully to find the answer.

Thank you for coming to the real life of Psychological Distress Counseling Radio. :)

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